Update – 12 Weeks

No photos yet, but soon I promise.  I’ve taken some, I just can’t seem to get them downloaded and on to the website.  Anyways, lots happening in the Cain household these days.  We went back to the doctor for our 12 week appointment today.  Much to Travis’ delight, it was short and sweet.  The insurance lady went over how much it costs to have a baby (I always knew the most expensive insurance would come pay off one day).  Then we went back to see the doctor.  There was no sonogram today.  Apparently, if there are no problems, you only get 3 during your pregnancy – one to determine that the pregnancy is viable (in the right place, not ectopic, etc), one at 18-20 weeks to determine the sex, and then another one at 32 weeks (not sure what that one’s for – maybe to see your baby not looking like a blob or an alien before it comes out of you).

Anyways, I digressed…the doctor came in and asked how we were doing.  I said fine, now are you going to tell me if this baby is still in here?  He had a little hand-held machine that he put to my belly and it started amplifying the sounds.  He said it might take a few seconds for him to find it, but not to worry (at which point I probably began to hold my breath and Travis’s ears seemed to perk up to attention – I don’t like being told not to worry – that makes me worry).  It didn’t take very long though, and we could hear the little thud/swish.  Baby Cain has a strong heartbeat and was moving around during the process as well (that’s what the doctor said those louder noises were).

All of my blood test came back normal from our last visit, and then it was time for questions.  We kind of froze at the last visit and didn’t have any questions, but this time I came with a list.   Can I highlight my hair?  Yes. (good because I have an appointment to do just that on Saturday)  Can I eat deli meat occasionally?  Yes. (good because I’m on my way to Subway as soon as this appointment is over)  Can I travel to Mexico for a babymoon if I can convince my husband we can afford (more on that later) it?  Yes.  (Travis mentally calculating how much more fence he needs to sell to afford all my grandiose vacation plans – it is the last quiet one we’ll have for a couple decades)

And as if the baby wasn’t a big enough change for us, we have finally worked something out on our house and we should be building our new one in the next month or so!  We can’t wait – more closets, more cabinets, more counterspace, did I mention more closets???, room for everyone to come and visit Baby Cain.  Let’s just hope our wonderful builder can get us in there before September 29th! 

Okay, pictures to come soon.  We’re off to Atlanta this weekend to throw Addy a baby shower (baby P will be here in May), and for Travis to get in some golf.

10 Weeks


Weekend Update

We had a pretty good weekend.  On Friday, we just relaxed since with me working on Saturdays it’s pretty much just a regular weekday.  On Saturday after work, I took a nap and woke up starving for a loaded baked potato from Outback.  By starving, I mean I had to eat right then.  We called ahead and they still said it would be an hour wait.  I wasn’t deterred, though – when something sounds good, I’m like Aimee with her chew toy or food (completely focused).  Luckily, we walked in to Outback, got our little pager, turned around and saw our friends Doug and Elizabeth.  The two of them quickly became my absolute favorite friends when they asked if we wanted to sit with them.  (Their pager went off about 2 minutes after we got there).  We had a good time socializing and catch up with friends.  With my work schedule and the tiredness that has come with the pregnancy, we were beginning to feel pretty anti-social and kind of like shut-ins.  We were also able to go to dinner with our friends Brandy & Ryan on Sunday night, so overall it was a banner weekend for the Cain’s. 

To top it all off, we made a quick stop at Target after dinner on Sunday night.  We always go in for one thing (in this case – masking tape), and yet we can’t come out without spending $50.  Well, this time we came out with a piece of my childhood.  See below for a glimpse of how Travis and I spent the rest of our Sunday night.


Too bad that when I woke up on Monday morning, all the hard parts hadn’t been already completed by my Granny so that I could just take over and finish up the last little bit where it isn’t so hard.  She used to do one with us every summer at the beach – and no one in the world is better or more diligent at them that Granny – she just seems to have that eye for them, or maybe she’s just so stubborn that she wasn’t going to let that puzzle beat her.  Anyways, this is probably going to take a lot longer than those 2 days they’d take at the beach.

Speaking of childhood, is it normal to revert back to things you had as a child during pregnancy?  Old foods have fallen by the wayside, and I’ve discovered all these old things that I forgot I love.  Things like Koolaid, Coke Floats, apples cut into slices (without the peel), Barnum’s animal crackers in the little box, the list goes on, but on a regular basis I feel like I’m about 8 years old again.