Jack (or Jill in this case) of all Trades

I know I’ve mentioned our sweet nanny, Dana, in passing on the blog. Charlie LOVES her. Seriously….thinks she hangs the moon. Travis is all excited because Charlie says Da-Da, but I’m not sure he isn’t really saying Da-Na. Anyways, apparently Dana is more than just a baby whisper, but she is a talented photographer as well. She sent me these photos of Charlie which she doctored up and made quite artsy (and you can see how much fun he has with her). Love love love them…and love her for taking such good care and loving our sweet baby so much.

Play Dates

Charlie is pretty social, but we don’t really go on very many play dates so that I can hang out with other parents as well. This weekend we met up with Billy, Kelly, and Will to play. Bill, Kelly, Travis, and I spend a good bit of time together, but it is seldom with the babies (unless they are sleeping). I think it was an overwhelming success and hope we do it again soon.

What a trooper Billy was for playing with two little boys and two women on a Saturday afternoon.

Charlie loved playing in Will’s wagon.

This is Billy thanking his lucky stars that he & Kelly didn’t have twins.

Playing in the bubbles.

My sweet boy

We’re pretty partial to Will, too..

Wondering why we are constantly hovering with our cameras.

Just hanging out

Why is it that he likes other people’s toys better than his own?!?!?

Still enjoying Will’s Lego Dump Truck

Parenting begins…trying to teach the two of them to share.

Getting too cool to be a baby – wanted to sit in this big boy chair by himself.

And not technically part of the playdate, but he did supervise Daddy cleaning the golf cart after he’d muddied it up at the farm this weekend. Aren’t they two peas in a pod?