Hopefully we never see this again..

Hopefully we never see this again..

Charlie loved it when our friend Matt came over and turned on the flashing lights. Have you ever seen someone so happy to be in the back of a state patrol car?

Daddy Time

Daddy Time

This is what Charlie and Travis spend most of their time doing…playing on the new (to us) boat! Charlie says it is his. We are working on sharing with Daddy.



These two are so silly together and spend much of their time laughing at their own inside jokes and crying when we separate them. We love some Sam!

Just for my Amanda…

Amanda challenged me on Facebook last week to a new blog post, and she has already beat me to putting hers up, so here I go.

Charlie is keeping us busy (BUSY!).  He is so much fun and is such a literal child.  This morning since it was cold Travis was walking Charlie downstairs and told him that he was going to wear his jacket today.  Charlie looked him right in the eye and said,  “Silly Daddy, you aren’t wearing your jacket!” 

Bad Parent Award for the Month goes to me:  I have taught my son a slightly bad word, which delights Travis to no end as I have been reminding him to watch what he says since the day Charlie was born.  Anyways, the other night Charlie was standing up to reach something across the table and I told him that he needed to put his “butt” on the chair.  I know…I know…completely my bad…I was in the middle of cooking dinner and wasn’t thinking.  As soon as I said it, I froze, and looked at Charlie who had this curious expression on his face, and then there it came “Butt?…Butt…BUTT!!!” (in repetition).  Travis had to leave the room he was laughing so hard.  I, of course, tried to correct my mistake and said no it’s bottom, but that only made it worse…so I gave up and just decided to ignore it.  We ate dinner that night to Charlie saying “butt..butt…butt” under his breath.  Thankfully, a good night’s sleep seems to have removed that word from his vocabulary, but I’ll be on my toes from now on.

Daddy time:  I think Travis and I have also been waiting almost three years for Charlie to really enjoy Daddy time.  Travis, so that he can be Charlie’s first choice and feel like he’s really helping with the parenting, and me so that I can have some relaxation every so often.  Well, it is finally here and has kicked in full force.  He wants to go with Daddy everywhere, to work, to Lowe’s, to put the boat away, to feed the dog, etc. It really is sweet to see…and like I said…I’m enjoying it too 🙂

In regular non-Charlie news, we are finishing our basement.  We have hired people to do the majority of it, but Travis and I decided to do the trim work (Travis) and painting (me) ourselves.  It just about killed me.  I am feeling my age these days apparently.  And I now believe that painters are worth every penny they are paid, especially those that paint ceilings.  I was covered in paint from head to toe, and I believe there was crying involved at one point over the 4 days I spent 6 hours a day painting.  Travis said he had a bit of a panic attack when he came down and found me like that in the middle of the project…not sure what he was going to do if I quit on him.  I didn’t quit (though I may claim workers comp on him), but I am officially retired from home improvement projects for good now.

We are all headed to Athens this weekend to watch the Dawg play Tennessee and celebrate Charlie’s third birthday.  I can’t believe it’s already been three years since he arrived.  I will say, the Dawgs look much better three years later than they did the weekend he was born and started their downward spiral.

I’ll be back…next time Amanda decides to update her blog.

Daylight Savings Time…I Love you

While the rest of you probably are slightly ambivalent about the change to daylight savings time (yes, it’s nice for it to be light outside later, but you do have to essentially get up an hour earlier after the change), in the Cain household, we did a celebration dance. Travis was the one to realize it, so we’ll give him all the credit, but I jumped on the bandwagon in a millisecond.

Since I haven’t been updating the blog regularly, all my internet friends don’t know that while we finally got Charlie to sleep all night in his crib back in January (which was a huge blessing), Charlie’s version of all night was 8:00 until about 4:45 am….which we think is still middle of the night, but Charlie thinks it’s broad daylight. You should have seen Travis and I alternating mornings the past couple months like two blind people staggering to the refrigerator to get milk and a granola bar for Charlie who demands on eating as soon as he wakes up. Then we have become those parents…yes those, we turn on whatever Chuggington, Sesame Street, Jungle Junction, or Special Agent Oso we can find and attempt to half-sleep for another hour while Charlie watches tv.

Alas…back to my story…for the Cain family, daylight savings time means that Charlie has a new 9:00 bed time (more time to see Mama in the evening since it’s tax season right now) and that he sleeps in a little later – this morning, it was 6:30…how great is that! Now, if I can just reprogram my body to stop waking up at 4:30 and trying to go get milk in a half-slumbering state.

Otherwise we are all well…just hoping to make it these next few weeks until tax season is over. Then I’ll be back to blogging – I promise.

All boy….


To Catch Up

We had Halloween – isn’t this the cutest little cow you ever saw? We sat outside on our front porch and greeted the trick-or-treaters. Charlie tried to hug all the little kids that came up – and he tried to throw all the candy out of the basket.

We’ve also been enjoying the fall weather outside. Charlie used to not like the outdoors, but now he cries when we try to bring him back in.

We went to the fair this weekend and Charlie enjoyed looking at all the lights and people, Travis enjoyed the food, and I enjoyed the rides (and a funnel cake).

Getting acclimated with Granddaddy:

Ready for the petting zoo:

Travis and Asa eating their turkey legs:

Charlie and Asa hanging out:

Me and Molly before our rides – looking calm and collected:

And on the ride:

Good Weekend – Dawgs Win! Charlie gets a pumpkin!

I am missing a big weekend – our trip to Hahira for the Honeybee Festival, but those pics are on Trav’s fancy new IMac computer that I don’t quite know how to operate yet – I’m a Windows girl. But I will figure it out soon. This weekend we hung out as a family a lot. Watching the UGA game, and going to the pumpkin patch.

Tired of being scrunched between 2 giant pumpkins

First Birthday in Pictures

Waiting for the jack-in-the box to jump out

Happy Birthday Boy!

Rare photo of Mama and Charlie

Checking out my new Legos

Can you tell he had a sugar high?

Testing out his new wagon with Will

Family pic with a sleepy little boy

Happy Family!

Aunt Erin even made the trip from Atlanta

Jack (or Jill in this case) of all Trades

I know I’ve mentioned our sweet nanny, Dana, in passing on the blog. Charlie LOVES her. Seriously….thinks she hangs the moon. Travis is all excited because Charlie says Da-Da, but I’m not sure he isn’t really saying Da-Na. Anyways, apparently Dana is more than just a baby whisper, but she is a talented photographer as well. She sent me these photos of Charlie which she doctored up and made quite artsy (and you can see how much fun he has with her). Love love love them…and love her for taking such good care and loving our sweet baby so much.